
#SalesMarketingAdvisor #Trainer #Host
销售营销顾问 / 培训讲师 / 活动主持

Yahoo Wong has been an active participant in youth and adult public speaking training‘s organizations since 2008. In 2017, he brought his passion for public speaking to the MSA Youth, a division of the Malaysian Speakers Association, where he is committed to nurturing promising young speakers.

Beyond that, Yahoo Wong has held significant positions in the field of marketing and operation, actively participating in numerous domestic and international projects. Leveraging his extensive training and hosting experience, he has been privileged to be invited to several cities in China, Vietnam, Thailand, Cambodia, and Taiwan to conduct corporate training and host large-scale events.

亚虎(黄浩恒)自2008年起在青年和成人口才培训组织中活跃。2017年,他把对公众演讲的热忱带入马来西亚演讲师协会青年团(MSA Youth),致力于培养有潜力的年轻讲师。

